Health Screenings For Your Family
In the United States, cancer, heart disease, and lung disease are the leading causes of death. Health screening services can help identify risk factors for these diseases and prevent their occurrence. These services use three noninvasive tests to diagnose patients and provide lab-accurate results and recommendations to their physicians. You may also choose to have these tests performed if your family history of the disease suggests that you are at risk. This article will discuss some of the benefits of health screenings for your family and why they are so important.
Many employers conduct employment health screenings for new and prospective employees. Health screenings help employers determine if applicants are physically able to perform job functions. For example, firefighters must meet certain physical requirements to drive a truck, so they undergo a fitness ability test. A warehouse employee with poor eyesight is not able to perform their job properly and could cause an accident and injure a coworker. Whether or not a screening is appropriate depends on the job.
Health screenings can prevent the development of certain diseases and improve the chances of treatment. Early detection of cancer and sexually transmitted diseases greatly improves the chances of a successful cure. For this reason, cholesterol screenings and other screenings are recommended for anyone who smokes, drinks alcoholic beverages, or is obese. Those with a history of colorectal polyps should also have regular screenings. Those with inflammatory bowel disease or diabetes should have a blood test.
There are several benefits to undergoing screenings for health issues. Screening can prevent some serious diseases before they even manifest themselves, and early detection is the best way to treat them. Several of the tests are simple and can be done right in your physician’s office. Some require specialized equipment, such as X-ray machines. Most health insurance policies follow USPSTF guidelines. The doctor may recommend a different schedule for you. In any case, screenings for cancer and other diseases are vital to keeping you and your family healthy.
If your results come back positive, you might need to see a specialist. The tests can be inaccurate and may result in a false positive, which may lead to further tests and treatments. The advantages far outweigh the risks. It is important to consider all health screening tests before deciding whether to undergo them. For example, if you have an undiagnosed condition, screening tests may lead to additional treatments that will increase your medical costs.
The best time to have a colorectal cancer screening is at age 50. However, screening for colorectal cancer should begin earlier, especially if you have a family history of the disease. Diabetic screening can also detect high cholesterol levels or high blood pressure, which can be the early stage of the disease. Mental health is just as important as physical health. If you experience symptoms of depression, consider undergoing a health screening for depression.